Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Using Pen Drive as Virtual Ram Without Using any Software

This is a simple trick which you can use to use your Pendrive similar to Vista & Win 7 Ready to Boost feature. That is too without using any external or third party software. Although there is a software named eboostr available which works similar way on XP ie. similar to ReadytoBoost feature of Windows Vista / Windows 7.

Trick is very simple, just plug USB 2.0 Pendrive / USB Flash drive in your computer and then use it for Windows Virtual memory instead of hard disk. This way, apart of RAM, any virtual memory is used will be from USB Drive.

you must be logged in as admin to do following window xp changes

1. Insert your USB Flash drive and make sure it working properly. Also only use USB 2.0 drives and on USB2.0 port. They are faster and only they can help. Older computer with USB 1.1 or so will actually get slower.

2. Goto >> Start >> Control Panel >> System >> Advanced >>Performance >> Settings >> Advanced >> Virtual Memory >> Change

3. Since you have clicked "CHANGE" in last step, you will see following Window.


Now "SELECT" your pen drive / USB drive and then select Custom size, now set Initial size as per your USB drive's capacity or available space on it. Set Maximum size as Initial size.
eg. If you have 4 GB pen drive then you can easily use its 2GB as virtual memory which is sufficient for most of the computer so, set initial and Maximum size to 2048 MB .
Now Apply it by clicking "SET" and then OK to move further. If asks for restart then do restart and now any Memory beyond your RAM will be used on PEN DRIVE and that is too without any external software.


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